Figure Component

npm version


The vf-figure componet defaults to give the image a maximum width of 100% so that it can be placed inside of a grid (like vf-grid) and fill the space of the grid item(s) that have been allocated by its parent.

If you need to specify the width of the component you can use the CSS custom property --vf-figure__width which will override the width in the CSS.

The vf-figure component also has some alignment class selectors available.

Class Selectors

Nunjucks Props

To avoid any mistyping, forgetfulness, and to aid in future proofing the component. We are using 'pseudo props' in nunjucks to determine which CSS selectors to use. All props do nothing unless included in your data for the component.

Props available


This component is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install the vf-figure with this command.

$ yarn add --dev @visual-framework/vf-figure

The source files included are written in Sass(scss). You can point your Sass include-path at your node_modules directory and import it like this.

@import "@visual-framework/vf-figure/index.scss";

Make sure you import Sass requirements along with the modules.

File system location: components/vf-figure


Variant: Default beta element

Nunjucks demo

{% render '@vf-figure--default', {
  "component-type": "element",
  "text": "Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots",
  "alttext": "hello alt text",
  "imageUrl": "../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png"
} %}

Sample output

hello alt text
Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots

Sample output as HTML

<figure class="vf-figure">

  <img class="vf-figure__image" src="../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png" alt="hello alt text">

  <figcaption class="vf-figure__caption">Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots</figcaption>



Variant: Align Inline Start beta element

Nunjucks demo

{% render '@vf-figure--align-inline-start', {
  "component-type": "element",
  "text": "Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots",
  "alttext": "hello alt text",
  "imageUrl": "../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png",
  "vf_figure__align_inline_start": true
} %}

Sample output

hello alt text
Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots

Sample output as HTML

<figure class="vf-figure vf-figure--align vf-figure--align-inline-start">

  <img class="vf-figure__image" src="../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png" alt="hello alt text">

  <figcaption class="vf-figure__caption">Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots</figcaption>



Variant: Align Inline End beta element

Nunjucks demo

{% render '@vf-figure--align-inline-end', {
  "component-type": "element",
  "text": "Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots",
  "alttext": "hello alt text",
  "imageUrl": "../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png",
  "vf_figure__align_inline_end": true
} %}

Sample output

hello alt text
Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots

Sample output as HTML

<figure class="vf-figure vf-figure--align vf-figure--align-inline-end">

  <img class="vf-figure__image" src="../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png" alt="hello alt text">

  <figcaption class="vf-figure__caption">Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots</figcaption>



Variant: Align Centered beta element

Nunjucks demo

{% render '@vf-figure--align-centered', {
  "component-type": "element",
  "text": "Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots",
  "alttext": "hello alt text",
  "imageUrl": "../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png",
  "vf_figure__align_centered": true
} %}

Sample output

hello alt text
Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots

Sample output as HTML

<figure class="vf-figure vf-figure--align vf-figure--align-centered">

  <img class="vf-figure__image" src="../../assets/vf-figure/assets/figure-example.png" alt="hello alt text">

  <figcaption class="vf-figure__caption">Version, 1982, Adenovirus with 217 dots</figcaption>



All components in this design system

This page is part of the components section.